Minh-Duc Co

born 2000 in Siegburg, Germany. Lives in Hürth und works in Pulheim, Germany.

o.T. (Dark Masters), 50x37 cm, Tusche und Buntstift auf Papier, 2020

o.T. (Metalgreymon), 42x30 cm, Tusche und Buntstift auf Papier, 2021

o.T. (Metalgreymon Franxx Mode), 42x30 cm, Tusche und Buntstift auf Papier, 2021

o.T. (OMEGAMON), 42x20 cm, Tusche und Buntstift auf Papier, 2020

Alle Abb.: o.T., 29,5x20,5cm, Bleistift auf Papier, 2017

Alle Abb.: o.T., 29,5x20,5cm, Bleistift auf Papier, 2018

o.T., 29,5x20,5cm, Bleistift auf Papier, 2017

o.T., 29,5x20,5cm, Bleistift auf Papier, 2018

Ever since his childhood Minh-Duc Co is fascinated by Science-Fiction movies, animated comics and Japanese Anime. He has created numerous illustrations with his favorite protagonists from comic- world and Anime series. In addition to his drawings, Minh-Duc Co creates visuals and designs that combine different features and characters from popular actions movies.